Friday, October 29, 2010

Present Tense Stem-Changing Verbs: e>i verbs

In the last post we talked about o>ue stem-changing verbs. The next type of stem-changing verbs are those where the e changes to i.  One such verb is pedir (to ask for, request).  The e in the stem will change to i, and just as with all stem-changing verbs, this change will only happen in the boot.

                                                 pido             pedimos
                                                 pides            pedís
                                                 pide             piden

There is one thing you have to remember about e>i verbs.  This type of stem change can only happen with IR verbs.  AR verbs and ER verbs can never be e>i stem-changing verbs.
Here are some common e>i verbs:

competir - to compete
concebir - to conceive of
*conseguir - to get, obtain
*decir - to say, tell
**elegir - to choose, elect
***freír - to fry
impedir - to impede
**regir - to rule, govern
***reír - to laugh
repetir - to repeat
*seguir - to continue, follow
servir - to serve
vestir - to dress

*These verbs end in go in the yo form: consigo, digo, sigo.
** These verbs end in jo in the yo form: elijo, rijo.
***Due to a weak-strong vowel combination where the weak vowel is stressed, there are accents throughout the conjugation:

                                frío                   freímos
                                fríes                  freís
                                fríe                   fríen

Next time we'll talk about other irregularities that can happen in the present tense. ¡Hasta la próxima!