Monday, September 6, 2010

Present Tense of Regular ER and IR verbs

Ok, so we talked about the present indicative of regular AR verbs in the last post.  Now it's time to move to the other two types of infinitives - ER and IR verbs.  The regular endings for ER verbs are:

                               o                       emos
                               es                      éis
                               e                        en

Here are a few common ER verbs:

aprender - to learn
barrer - to sweep
beber - to drink
ceder - to yield
comer - to eat
correr - to run
deber - should / must
depender - to depend
esconder - to hide
meter - to put in
prometer - to promise
responder - to respond
suceder - to happen / occur
toser - to cough
vender - to sell

Here are the endings for regular IR verbs:

                 o                   imos
                 es                  ís
                 e                   en

You can see that they are almost the same as the ER endings.  The only differences are found with the nosotros ending, which is imos instead of emos, and the vosotros ending, which is ís instead of éis.  Here are some common regular IR verbs:

abrir - to open
aburrir - to bore
añadir - to add
batir - to beat / hit
compartir - to share
decidir - to decide
insistir - to insist
latir - to beat
recibir - to receive
subir - to climb
vivir - to live

As with the AR verbs, you drop the endings from the infinitve and add the present tense ending that matches the subject in order to conjugate your ER or IR verbs.

Ellos abren la puerta.             They open the door.
Como en la cafetería.               I eat in the cafeteria.
¿Dónde vives?                          Where do you live?
Pedro barre el suelo.                Pedro sweeps the floor.

The verb deber goes nicely with other verbs:

Debo estudiar más.                  I should study more.
Deben de estar en casa.           They must be home.

Next post we'll discuss irregular verbs in the present indicative.  ¡Hasta la próxima!

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